A work friend of mine has a good friend out of state that is undergoing chemo for an extremely rare form of breast cancer. I knew from others who had undergone chemo that they get really cold during the treatments, so I suggested a blanket. My friend said "OH! Can it have minkee on it?" Minkee is a very plush, soft fabric that is just wonderful to touch. I pulled out my happiest, adult, happy colored flannels and found some light blue minkee to match.

I preshrunk everything, including the ric-rac, by prewashing it on hot. Nothing irks me more than when you wash a duvet or pillow sham and the trim shrinks up a different rates than the main fabric and it gets all out of line and wrinkly, so I decided to make sure that wouldn't happen with one of my creations! I was lucky though, I had bought the last of the yellow ric-rac at Tammy Tadd's, and only had appox. 3" leftover!
My friend really loved it and can't wait to send it to her friend. That's what makes it all worth while to me.

My other project, that I was able to finish despite the fact that is was solely worked on during
Olympic commercial breaks, was another grocery bag. I'm sending it to the Frawnch (to be pronounced like the mom in the ever popular 80's movie"Better Off Dead" starring John Cusak) cook book writer Clotilde Dusoulier. I read her blog, Chocolate & Zucchini regularly and a few weeks ago she talked about her eco-friendly bags. While she finds them useful, she thinks they are less than attractive. I emailed her to see if she'd like to beta test my bag, and to let me know what color and style of fabric she would like. She emailed me back and she'd love to try my bag! She said she likes girly fabric, polka dots, flowers, the whole bit. It's all very exciting!
The very next day I walked into Tammy Tadd's shop and what had come
in? The Ava Rose line by Tanya Whelan for Free Spirit! Can I just tell you how much I LOVE this line? I literally squealed and flapped my hands at the mere site of it! They should be getting the blue colorway in soon. I'm totally gaga for the blues!!! They even match my Tiffany-blue bathroom!! I read in a Scottish decorating magazine back in 2001 about a family who runs some kind of children's clothing company out of their family's hunting lodge (translation: lodge = castle) in the Scottish Highlands. Her toddler aged daughter's room was painted Tiffany blue because the mother stated that she wanted
her daughters to become accustomed to the color at an early age. I like that philosophy myself.
But I digress....Tiffany will do that to a girl.

I put the large floral on the front and back, stripes for the handles, sides and bottom and polka dots for the pocket and lining. I wasn't thrilled with the polka dots on the pocket, it was just to white, so I appliqued a rose from the left over fabric onto the pocket. I think it works. What do you think, is it
girly enough? I added a pocket on the bottom of this bag, per my friend Katie's suggestion. She thought it would be great to have a pocket that you can seal your money/credit card into, then you wouldn't need to carry your purse at all if you didn't want to. I made the pocket sealable along the whole opening with Velcro. It also folds into the bag so the contents are especially secure when closed. This is why it's good to talk to people and get suggestions. I never would have though of a pocket on the bottom. I hope Clotilde likes it as much as I do!

1 comment:
oooh you know i love the minkee! hey, could you back bill's sweatshirt pillows with minkee? then he & i would BOTH be happy about having them.....
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