We took her to the emergency vet where they diagnosed her with a cancer. Her issues were caused by a cluster of tumors on her heart, one of which burst and caused the sack around her heart to swell with fluid, making it hard for her heart to pump blood and oxygen. They removed the extra fluid, which made her peppier, so we were able to spend some quality time with her, say goodbye and be with her through the end.
Unfortunately or fortunately (because I had knowledge about it), I had an Akita back in 2002 who suffered from almost exactly the same thing. When the vet diagnosed Beaner, I knew, but dreaded, what had to be done. To be completely sure, we asked if surgery would help her at all, and he said it would only give her a couple of weeks at best.

I walked by the basement and saw her laying like this. I cracked up.
When she wanted in, she would press her nose into the door and usually licked it too. She would stand like that for the longest time. It totally cracked us up every single time.
She liked wildlife shows. Especially those with wolves or dogs.
She was a good pillow for Magic.
Beaner and Bug, their one winter together.
I miss my girls something awful.
Beaner loved her stuffed toys.
The other dogs knew not to take her babies from her!
I hope she's playing with Bug, Methos and Barqy now.
Im so sorry for your loss. It is so hard to lose a fur baby
I am so very sorry for your loss :-( I already dread the day when we lose our dog (and I'm not a dog person). Our Husky does many of the very same things that your Beaner was doing in all of the photos.
We're "dog people", too, and totally understand how you feel. She sound like such a great dog, and you did the exact right thing for her.
Vicki, I'm so sad right now to hear this. I feel your loss. Its hard to lose such special friends in our lives.
hugs, Lorrie
I'm not a dog person but Beaner looks and sounds to have been a lovely one. We had to have our cat put down before Christmas and I understand how you feel.
Oh Vicki, I'm so sorry to read this news. What wonderful photos you've got of her. Hugs to you.
this is such terrible news. I hope you and Dave can do some crying, snuggling, and loving as you miss your baby together.
Vicki, I'm so sad for your loss of Beaner...when our pets make us smile it's such a wonderful thing and it looks like she made you smile often! She was a beautiful husky!
I know how very hard it is to lose your dog. I have lost five and it never gets any easier. You have my sincere sympathy.
Sorry to hear this, she looks like she enjoyed her life with and I know you took great care of her.
So sorry to hear of the loss of Beaner. Animals provide us with such great companionship. Cheryl
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